Firstly, as a warm way of welcoming you to our payment page, we wish to honour you with our free bumper bonuses placed on the "Free gifts" page tab. Check them out because they are very nice, fantastic and ladened with high quality informations too. Now, to order for any of our packages, you have to pay the already stated little tokens which are too small to be compared with what you spend on your daily luxuries. Our prices are so much discounted and they are the cheapest prices you'll ever get anywhere on the internet so do not miss our special offers before the prices moves up again. Its only a matter of making up your mind and trust as well. They are not expensive but if you think it is too costly, feel free to ignore it. But as a guarantee, be rest assured that you will earn back your money a thousand folds once you start practicing the contents of our income packages but if you ignore them, its certain that you'll never get your money back or else you resale it to another person. We accept your payments either through "Phone airtime transfer", "Bank payment" or "Face-to-face payment".
1. To pay through phone, simply recharge and transfer the related amount (depending on the package you are subscribing for) from either your MTN sim to 07066087115 or from your ETISALAT sim to 08095771086. Notify us of your payment at once through the details on our "CUSTOMER CENTER" page. After that, mail the exact phone number through which you paid together with the topic(s) of the package(s) which you have paid for to As soon as we receive your mail, we shall confirm your phone number, acknowledge your payment and send you the package(s) to your email address as soon as possible. If you do not see the packages in your email inbox, always remember to check for them in your spam and trash folders.
2. To make your payments through the bank, pay into any KEYSTONE BANK (formerly known as PHB BANK) branch in Nigeria.
Account number: 2633031617
After payment, send
an email message to providing the following details :
Your name:
Amount paid:
Bank name and
Teller number:
The topic(s) of the package(s) you have paid for:
As soon as we recieve your mail, we shall confirm your bank details with the informations in the bank alert we must have received, acknowledge your payment and send you the package(s) to your email address as soon as possible. If you do not see the packages in your email inbox, always remember to check for them in your spam and trash folders.
3. For a "Face-to-face" payment, please contact us through the details placed on our "CUSTOMER CENTER" page for the necessary directions.
Finally, let's take this time to assure you our dearest guests that we NairaConnect will never defraud you at any cost and we promise to abide by that. If you found this site helpful, do not forget to invite your friends so that they too will feel the breeze of financial freedom. We wish you success as we say a million thanks to you !